What is an easy way to reduce my pets crate anxiety?
Placing an item of clothing that has your scent on it into the crate can help calm your pet. If your pet has a security blanket that can help too. We have information on crate training and advising on this is all part of our dedicated pet travel service.
Discover the power of pheromones
I can support you with a variety of comfort and anxiety easing products for your furry companion. I'm and experienced Australian trained veterinarian and IPATA international pet travel and shipping member and have invaluable insights and practical tips for a smoother, calmer travel experience
How do I get my pet used to being in a crate?
We deliver your pets crate well in advance to allow time for adjustment in the crate. This allows owners to reinforce comfort and security when their pet is in or around the crate.
Dr Gerry Pahl is Hong Kong's PetExportVet